Foundations Forums runs SRV and SRV-related events for people who are searching for ideals, values and strategies to guide them in their roles in relation to people who are at risk at being devalued, perhaps through disability, ageing, mental illness or homelessness.
The presenters are endorsed Senior Trainers in Social Role Valorisation theory.
Participants at events have included:
- People employed in, or on the management committees of, human services that support people who are marginalised
- Friends, families and advocates
- People with disabilities.
Foundations Forum offers the following SRV Theory Events:
“Towards a better life” (TBL) workshop
- A 2-day introduction to the Social Role Valorisation framework and the possibilities it creates.
SRV x 7 Themes
- A more in-depth 3-day leadership event
Both events involve a lecture format with some reflective group work or class discussion. They incorporate a detailed examination of SRV Theory, illustrated by real-life examples which include the presentation of a DVD or a guest speaker.
SRV Theory events are intended to assist participants to:
- Strengthen, support and confirm their commitment to individuals who are wounded by devaluation.
- Gain a deeper understanding of devaluation and its consequences
- Learn the basic principles of Social Role Valorisation (SRV) as a means of addressing those experiences of devaluation
- Become clearer about their personal values in relation to devaluation and personal response to people who are devalued.
P A S S I N G*
PASSING is designed for people have completed a Social Role Valorisation Theory Event offered by an approved training group and wish to further deepen their understanding of SRV and its application.
PASSING is an intensive 5-day live-in workshop. Participants visit two human services and spend time with the people they support. Participants also spend time with the staff and managers of those services. They then use the PASSING evaluation tool to evaluate, from the point of view of the ‘client’, each services they have visited.
Services visited in the past have included aged care facilities, special schools, day programs, business services and supported accommodation services.
The PASSING workshop is demanding, tiring and complex. Participants should plan to forego all outside involvements during the workshop days and nights.
Participants should only attend if they have a real desire to understand better the complex ideas behind SRV and a willingness to learn through a rigorous process.
Foundations Forum is extremely grateful to the services which volunteer their agencies for the training of PASSING participants. (Note: The PASSING workshop does not equip participants to be service evaluators).
SRV-related events that Foundations Forum has conducted include:
- Good lives for older people
- "What does it mean to have an Intellectual Disability?”
- “How do I know what Someone Else needs?”